Estate Planning & Probate Specialists

Estate Planning & Probate Specialists

We Help You Use Miller Trusts Strategically

It can be extremely emotionally and practically challenging to care for a loved one, whether parent or spouse, who needs to go into a nursing home. In addition, the financial expense can be high and provoke a great deal of stress in an already emotionally fragile family. Fortunately, Medicaid nursing long-term care can help cover the costs.

To get nursing home Medicaid in Texas, a patient’s gross income must not exceed the income cap established each year. If the patient’s gross income is above the limit, he or she may be ineligible for nursing home Medicaid, even if the income is too low to afford a private nursing home.

Helping Your Loved One Qualify For Nursing Home Medicaid

At the Law Office of Sharon C. Stodghill, our Houston attorneys understand how frustrating it can be to want to help your incapacitated spouse or parent, but be stymied by mere costs. We can help you overcome this hurdle and get your family the support you deserve, without depleting your financial resources.

A qualified income trust or Miller trust can be used to establish eligibility for nursing home Medicaid. It makes a recipient eligible for Medicaid long-term care benefits by reducing the income that is available to be counted for eligibility purposes.

By setting up a Miller trust, any income over Medicaid’s monthly income cap is diverted into the trust. A provision must be included in the trust to repay the state if there are any assets remaining after your loved one passes away. Certain health insurance premiums may also be paid from the Miller trust.

For more information, please call our office at 713-464-6412 or contact us by email to arrange a free consultation. Let our lawyers help you care for your elderly family members.