Estate Planning & Probate Specialists

Estate Planning & Probate Specialists

Preserving The Dignity Of Your Loved Ones

Watching an elderly loved one lose the ability to make sound decisions is painful for everyone. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to protect relatives who need help. These issues are sensitive, for the person in question and for the entire family. An experienced attorney will try to explain your options for caring for your loved one while attempting to minimize conflict.

At the Law Office of Sharon C. Stodghill, we take pride in helping families care for loved ones. We approach guardianship and related issues with compassion, treating every client and family with respect. Our Houston guardianship lawyers have more than 40 combined years of experience in this area of law, and you can be confident that we will do all we can to preserve your loved one’s dignity.

Understanding Your Options

Although guardianship is a viable option for many families, there are other alternatives that can be less expensive and equally effective. When you visit us, we can explain guardianship alternatives, such as:

  • Powers of attorney: One way to avoid guardianship is by planning ahead and creating a power of attorney. You can create a medical power of attorney, which allows you to choose a person to make medical decisions for you if you become incapacitated. You can also create a financial power of attorney, which lets you choose a person to make financial decisions on your behalf.
  • Create a trust: Creating a valid trust is an excellent way to plan for what happens if you become incapacitated. You can create a trust, transfer your assets to it and give the trustee the power to use those assets for your benefit. The trustee makes the decisions and is bound to use trust assets prudently and as you direct in the trust documents.
  • Management trusts: Texas law allows a probate court to create this type of trust. These trusts are professionally managed by a trust company or bank. The Texas Probate Code sets strict guidelines for these trusts to ensure that the funds are used for the benefit of your loved one and are not exposed to unnecessarily high investment risks.

Designate Your Own Guardian

As part of a comprehensive estate plan, you can name your own guardian. This means that you can choose the person who will be making decisions for you, rather than having the court select someone you may not want. You can also specifically name people who you do not want to serve as your guardian.

Contact a Galveston Powers of Attorney Lawyer for a Free Consultation

We are ready to explain all possible guardianship alternatives to you with sensitivity and care. To schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced estate planning lawyer, please call 713-464-6412 or contact our Houston, Texas, law firm online.