Estate planning in Texas typically includes a range of documents, such as a financial power of attorney and a health care power of attorney. It also usually includes a will and possibly a trust. However, because people's online presence is growing, estate planning...
Month: July 2016
Trusts can be helpful for passing down homes or land
People in Texas understandably do not like to think about death. However, failure to create estate plans, which can include wills or trusts, will prevent them from being able to dictate what happens to their possessions when they die. This is especially true for...
Estate planning can help to prevent family conflict
Money often brings out the negative sides of people, particularly when the valuable estate of a deceased loved one is involved. Unfortunately, the emotions, time and money that surviving loved ones invest in contesting a Texas will might actually cost more than the...
Estate planning important for everyone in Texas
Many individuals in Texas and other states are making the mistake of overlooking their assets simply because they do not think they have any. In reality, estate planning is important for all individuals no matter how few or many assets they have. Even a young child...