Putting someone in charge of your personal affairs in the event that you cannot act for yourself is an important but difficult task. Anyone could suffer a serious illness or injury that results in incapacitation, and knowing that a trustworthy and responsible person...
What you could ask when making health care choices for someone
When your loved one asked you to serve as his or her health care proxy, you may have felt trusted and hoped you would never have to fulfill the role. Then recently, you got the news you hoped you would never hear -- your loved one can no longer make decisions for him-...
The difficult decision to disinherit a child
There is no predicting how family relationships will turn out as children grow into adults and find their own ways. You may be living proof of this if your adult children are living lives that are very different from what you had hoped and planned for them. Perhaps...
Can you leave assets to your minor children in your estate plan?
As a parent, you want the best for your children's future. You also know that you would do anything for them and provide them with anything they needed. As a result, when you consider your estate plan and desires for property distribution, you undoubtedly want to...
How long will probate last?
The death of a loved one often brings with it many questions. If your loved one left a well-prepared estate, you may have fewer questions than many. However, someone who died intestate, meaning without a will, may leave behind confusion and disagreements.If you are...
Are you putting off making your estate plan?
While dreaming about the possibilities the future holds is an enjoyable pastime, there are not many people who enjoy thinking about the end of their lives. This may include considering such possibilities as a lengthy illness, the loss of your mental faculties and...
Choosing a reliable health care power of attorney
Having a will and a trust in place is a commendable step in the estate planning process. These documents show your concern for the future well-being of your loved ones. A carefully planned will or trust can ensure your family members receive their fair share...
Did you include intangible assets in your estate plan?
Thinking about the future can be a difficult thing to do. After all, how can you know what types of protections you may need in the future? It's not easy to think about what will happen to your stuff after you pass away or what types of medical care you may want down...
Just welcomed a child? Consider your estate plan
Congratulations on your new child! As a new parent, you may still be trying to find your footing on how to balance all of the needs of your baby, your spouse and yourself. Though starting a family can be one of the most joyous times in your life, it can also bring...
What should you consider when considering guardian candidates?
Although no parent likes the idea of not being around or being able to care for his or her children, it is a real possibility. You may never want to consider a time when a sudden accident, illness or other event takes you out of your child's life, but it could happen...